August 1995 the first issue of "The Casement" appeared. V1 N 1 dealt with the formation and naming of the newsletter. The following appeared there:
The Casement
Official Publication of the Associated Collectors of Encased (ACE)
Published four times a year for $7.00 for members by the Associated Collectors of Encased, P.O. Box 191, Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin 53158. Postage paid at Pleasant Prairie and additional offices if need be. Postmaster please sent address changes to ACE, Box 191, Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin, 53158.
The ACE Journal/Newsletter is the Official publication of the Associated Collectors of Encased, an educational and non-profit organization devoted to identifying and expanding the exunomia area of encased coin collection
All club members receive the ACE Journal/Newsletter called The Casement without cost beyond $7.00 dues of which $6.50 is set aside to cover the subscription. The remaining $.50 goes toward the miscellaneous expenses such as advertising for membership, printing applications, postage cost for correspondence and so forth.
Entire contents copyright 1995 by ACE. Reproductions in whole or in part without specific written permission prohibited.
All content, opinions, views in any letters or articles published in the ACE Journal/Newsletter are those of the authors.
Editor's Message
Welcome to the first Journal/Newsletter of the Associated Collectors of Encased (ACE). Volume 1, Number 1, August, 1995. We are hoping this is the start of something good.
The exunomia field of encased coins has been neglected and its time it comes of age and gets respect. There are a large number of collectors and there are an enormous amount of encase coins just waiting to be identified, studied and appreciated. Many encased are rare and many are under priced.
We all appreciate an Unc. Encased Indian Cent, the many odd shaped cleverly done encasements and the many catchy slogans and vast variety of business and clubs represented. It s important that some order and direction is given to this collecting field. Hopefully ACE and its organization can bring collectors together and serve as a central source not only for information but for buying, selling and trading.
The above is quoted from the first Journal/Newsletter of the Associated Collectors of Encased.
Associated Collectors of Encased (ACE) lasted into 2003 before they disbanded. If any members want to provide better information on the club please email me.